



我所经过现有技术的检索,发现对方作为侵权指控基础的德国实用新型(案号:DE 20 2016 100 591)并不满足新颖性和创造性。随后,受客户委托,我方向德国专利商标局就竞争对手的实用新型提起了删除程序(28页删除理由说明,引用8件现有技术文献),并最终成功删除了对方的实用新型。



“Dear Yiming Sun:

Thank you for your messages and for your thorough analysis of the complaint that we received at ... against your client...  We have added your letter to our files, and certainly remember the complaint lodged against your client at ...  We were glad that they were able to provide us with the information from your firm.  It was helpful to alleviate the issue on the Show floor.

Please know that the letter we sent to your client was part of our standard protocol in the IP Program.  We send this correspondence to companies that received an IP complaint as a form of notification, and to urge the company to continue to work to avoid issues at future shows.  While we understand that it is difficult to avoid all complaints, we do urge our members to avoid copying other designs and to work with attorneys to ensure they are not overlapping with other party’s rights.  We are glad that ... is already engaged with you on this process, and it seems that they are on the right track.

We appreciate your thoughts and will look forward to seeing ... at the next Show. 

Best Regards,


Senior Vice President of Exhibitions, Conferences, and Sales ”

