2011-12-12: 曼海姆地方法院2011年12月9日对摩托罗拉和苹果之间专利侵权纠纷的判决







原告:Motorola Mobility Inc.
600 U.S. Highway 45, Libertyville, Illionis 60048/USA

被告:Apple Sales International
Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork/Republik Irland


I. 被告
1.a) 在德国范围内被禁止供应和/或供货执行下列方法的移动装置:
method for use in a wireless communication system for transmitting a communication signal comprising a plurality of blocks of information, the method comprising the steps of:
transmitting the plurality of blocks information via a predetermined number of channel resources; determining a number of the plurality of blocks remaining to be transmitted,
the method being characterised by the following steps:
based on the predetermined number of channel resources, adjusting the number of the plurality of blocks remaining to be transmitted to produce an adjusted number of blocks remaining (108); and
transmitting the adjusted number of blocks remaining to the wireless communication system (114, 116).
1.b). 每违例I.1.a)一次,被告被处以最高25万欧元的罚金,或者监禁。
2. 被告向原告书面详细澄清2003年4月19日以来I.1.a)中描述的侵权行为,包括下列具体信息
a). ...
b). ...
c). ...
d). ...
e). ...

II. 被告赔偿由于I.1.a)中侵权行为给原告自2003年4月19日以来造成的损失。

III. 诉讼状中其它请求被驳回。

IV. 被告承担诉讼费用。

V. 判决在交纳下列保证金的情况下被临时执行:
- 1亿欧元: I.1.a)
- 5万欧元: I.2
- 诉讼费用的120%: IV.
